St Mary's Church is a welcoming Christian community who gather together to worship, pray, learn and care for one another and our community. We are open to all
Details of all our Services together with Morning Prayer and also the Church opening times for private prayer. Regular Services details. Special Services are held throughout the year
There are several different groups in our church in which you can get involved if you wish. These groups are always very welcoming to newcomers. Come and join.
The church hall is available for hire for classes, group activities, children's parties, baptism celebrations, wedding receptions and funerals etc. The hall is also available for commercial hire.
We look forward with joy and anticipation to the celebration of the Risen Christ’s victory over sin and death. Join us for our Holy Week and Easter Services.
Church Road.
Find us: Map
We are part of the United Benefice of St. Mary’s Church, Stotfold with All Saints Church, Radwell
Our church is open for private prayer, reflection or a visit
Monday to Saturday 9am to 4pm
Do come in for a visit and light a candle. If you leave a prayer request in the prayer box near the candle stand a priest will offer it up to God for you at Morning Prayer. Flinging open the doors of the church are a reminder that God is always waiting for us and welcoming us.
Sunday 30 March (clocks go forward)
9.00am, Morning Prayer
10.00am, Parish Communion and Prayers for Healing
9.45am Holy Communion
Sunday 6 April
8.00am, Said Communion
10.00am, Parish Communion
4pm Tea Time Praise
Little Angels Baby & Toddler group meet in term time on Thursdays 10.15am to 11.30am….details
Men’s Big Breakfast at The Stag Saturday 29 March at 9am….details
St Marys’ Academy performance of the “Stotfold Passion Play” Friday 28 March at 10am
Whist Group Tuesday 1 April at 2pm….details
Community Coffee Morning Wednesday 2 April at 10.30am….details
Lent Discussion Group at the Vicarage Wednesday 9 April at 10.30am & 7.30pm….details
Hymns For Fun Wednesday 9 April at 2pm….details
Women’s Fellowship Wednesday 16 April at 2.30pm in the church hall….details
Whist Group Tuesday 15 April at 2pm….details
Friendship Lunch Tuesday 29 April at 12noon at The Stag….details